Sunday, December 25, 2016

Beautiful Kinder Caps and Gowns – Fashionable yet Sophisticated Regalia

First of all congratulations on your forthcoming graduation-You are elite among the fellows in your class.
Graduation day celebration is evident that you have completed achieving the first milestone of your career. That’s why it should be celebrated grandly. Wearing regalia is common as per the ceremony and top-quality doctoral cap and gown garments are what you deserve to wear in your graduation day.
Why Should Graduates Wear Caps And Gowns?
Wearing diploma covers/ academic robes is a tradition that is being followed from earliest centuries when universities were found. With change in time, more comfy versions were gradually adopted and today, they are all coming with different colors and sizes. The tradition of throwing caps in air is also followed to say “We are free birds now!”Though the tradition of wearing robes died around long ago, students are allowed to wear beautiful kinder caps and gowns only on such ceremonies in the United States.
Protocol to follow for wearing graduation caps and gowns properly
  • Men: It is suggested that men should wear khakis and dark trousers, shoes, dark shocks and a light color neatly pressed shirt with dark tie beneath an academic gown. Apart from this dress code, no other dressing style such as casual shoes, jeans, shorts and t-shirts are allowed to wear on graduation day.
The prescribed doctoral cap and gown is not only common but is also followed by several Universities and Institutions across the U.S. The cap has to be worn flat on the head and the gown should fall in between ankle and knee. Graduates wear tassels normally on the right side; however, it should be shifted to left while sharing the stage for receiving the diplomas.
Graduates are allowed to remove their caps during National Anthem and school song. But throwing caps up in the air is the view that anyone shouldn’t miss to enjoy.
  • Women: Women graduates are liable to wear dark colored doctoral gown dress/ slacks/ skirt with light colored matching blouse along with dark shoes. Women love to wear sandals, sports shoes and high heels but it is recommended not to wear them while attending graduation day party for obvious reasons of comfort and safety. Yes, women can attend the ceremony wearing pumps or flats instead of high heels or sandals or sports shoes. The gown should fall between ankle and knee. Tassels are usually worn on the right side but shifted to left when graduates are awarded.

Caps N Gowns 4 Less is pleased to introduce itself as the leading supplier of categorical caps and gowns to both the genders. When you wear them, you can ready instantly for attending the commencement ceremony or any formal academic event. We offer the caps and gowns at moderate price keeping longevity and value in mind. No need to rent them anymore! Contact on 985-898-2620 to know more about our products and services.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

How to Plan Your Graduation Day with Your Graduate Cap and Gown

  The day of graduation is filled with pride, not only for the graduates who have preserved to gain the rite of passage, but for their families and friends as well have who supported the graduates in their endeavors. It is also a day of celebration that one chapter if the student’s educational life is finally over and they are ready to begin a new level, thus the term commences. Graduation caps and gowns are the dress code for the graduation celebration day holding your certificate with it. This apparel is the only one which gives shows the complete hard work of yours in the past years.
Look for the below reasons how to select the codes of the apparel on the graduate ceremony:
How to buy graduation cap and gown?
  • Compare price of caps and gowns.
  • Check the quality of the material used.
  • Choose the right color and size of cap and gown.
  • Choose the right accessories.
  • Find online stores that can provide you graduation stuffs like American cap and gown.
How to look for matching cap and gown?
  • Find out what color of caps and gown your school wants you to wear on your graduation day.
  • Search for places where you can acquire inexpensive caps and gowns.
  • You can save money if you buy in sets.
What you should do with graduate cap and gown when your graduation ceremony is over?
Return it: This is the only option if you have rented your graduation cap and gown. Not returning of the graduation ensemble as fines can be charged on the per day basis. Never entertain the thought of keeping the cap and gown as a souvenir because many rentals have connections to your school administration and your certificate of good moral character as well as other credentials can be held.
Store it: For those who have bought their cap and gown. You have the privilege of making the ensemble part of your graduation memorable. Make sure to store it properly by outing it in a plastic case or getting a special box solely for the purpose.
CapsnGowns4Less has been providing good quality of caps and gowns, Hoods, Tams, Diploma covers, etc, for the academic community for all over 12 of years. We also sell doctorate cap and grown in offer prices to our customers. Check our online store today to mark your purchases.